Horoscope Experiment- Balance
So here I am
approaching the end of the year. My experiment of comparing my Astrological
Solar Return chart with my Tarot Horoscope for the year has so far has been
pretty supportive and validating. My last entry was for May, June and July very much confirmed my feeling of giving birth as I launched my business. After
giving birth to my business and releasing my products into the world I was then
in a waiting mode to see what the response was. The response was great from
everyone that saw or received the tees or onesies. My new challenge now was how
to reach beyond my base support system, as well as, find a healthy balance
between life and work.
My tarot card
for August was the Ace of Pentacles. This card indicates firm financial
foundations. It advises that a financial enterprise begun now will eventually
lead to prosperity and material security. I think the key word here is eventually. Growth takes time and
patience. I was pleased to get orders from supportive friends and family who
believe in me and my work. I also got great help and feedback on how to begin marketing
my products.
In my Solar
Return chart I have no planets in the 8th house which represents
August. However, the 8th house rules joint resources, other people’s
money, power, sex and control. This is a water house and can reveal some of our
deepest feelings about these issues. On a business level I was certainly
feeling powerless as to how others would react to my product, which I realize I
am. I can only focus on what I do have the ability to control and surrender
to what I can’t, which isn’t always easily done. And on a deeper personal level
I was feeling the pressure to instantly succeed big so I could prove to my husband and people who have invested in
me that it was worth it. I also realize that isn’t healthy or necessary. No one
was putting that on me except me.
So again this
combination for August presents valuable insight and lessons about finding
balance and allowing for things to grow organically. My Solar Return 8th
house is ruled by Leo, which brings me full circle back to my Sun in the 2nd
and confirms my path for the overall year. The Empress card, remember, is about
growth, abundance, creativity and success as a result of hard work.
My tarot
cards for September and October actually share a theme that connects
everything. September’s card Justice and October’s card Temperance both advise
about finding balance.

One of the causes of that moment became clear to me when I looked at my Solar Return. The 9th house, for September, rules our beliefs, faith, spiritual growth paths and life philosophy development. This year I have the planet Mars here. Mars is fire and action. So naturally I was feeling heated and pressured to take some action. I am wise enough to know that no one makes you feel anything except you, so my anger was at myself for not doing better at balancing my needs with the needs of others.

Temperance points to moderation, tolerance, wise management, artistic creation and patience. One day at a time. It advises to slow down, reevaluate your position and remain open to compromise. No doubt I was in need of better managing my time and my priorities. In October I was working to stay open and patient. Aside from scheduling my down time, I had been lingering in a creative state developing new lines and products for the future. I was having a great time and getting excited about my visions. But then I would really need to get another opinion. I found I would fall in love with something and then begin to doubt myself and doubt if anyone else will even like it.
Then I look to the 10th house of career in my Solar Return and there sits its natural ruler, Saturn. I have to laugh. Saturn represents time, organization, structure and authority as well as fears and limitations. So I was validated in my feelings and also understood why I was running into walls whenever I attempted to move forward with things. It just wasn’t time. Again I’m reminded to be patient and trust the process. Thank you Saturn, you are always the giver of our greatest lessons. I was told many years ago by my teacher that Saturn closes every door except the one you are supposed to go through. I have never forgotten that and it has helped me tremendously. Whenever I have tough moments like these or things are seemingly not going as expected or planned I take a deep breath. I surrender, look for the lesson and proceed with caution and awareness.
When I do Solar
Return readings for people I always make sure to remind them that nothing can
happen in the Solar Return chart that is not already promised in the Natal. So
I am now reminded of my Natal Saturn placement. It’s in the 11th
house of hopes, wishes and dreams in the sign of Taurus. In a nutshell, slow
and steady wins this race. And success will likely come later in life. And with
my Natal Mars in its natural ruler Aries in my 10th I’m not exactly
good at patience once I put my sights on something. But I’m working on it. I am
a work in progress. Also, another indicator of my current path placement, to
bring it full circle, is that there is so much focus this year in my Solar
Return on the second house ruled by Taurus and the planet Venus. I am truly learning
about my personal value and how to create real abundance in life, and finding balance
is a huge key.
experiment has been pretty cool so far this year. We all usually learn in
hindsight, but the idea here is to do these readings every year and be able to
foresee some of the energies forecasted and with knowledge and awareness navigate
life more successfully. A Solar Return chart is not a door to door time frame
either. All the energies can linger for a few months on either end of the year,
so I will touch base in early 2013 and conclude my experiment blog series. I
hope you have enjoyed going on this journey with me and maybe you will be
inspired to do your own experiment. And please let me know if I can help.
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