Mars in Libra - Can we play fair?

As Mars enters Libra, "Fair Play" will be the theme from now until July 25th 2014! It has an extra long stay because it will retrograde from March 1st to May 18th 2014.

During this time we will all be forced to take into consideration the feelings, ideas and desires of others before we act or undoubtedly we will not achieve what we desire either. And this placement is not comfortable for Mars because his natural ruling sign, Aries, is much happier when his needs are getting met first. If yours happen to get met as a result, good for you, but it doesn't usually come with the mission without real self-awareness. So this can be challenging for some of our strong Aries influenced friends.

However, this is a great time to realize that 'no man is an island', and we need each other. No one person has every single resource, connection, skill or talent necessary to manifest their dreams fully. We may have all that we need within to secure our own confidence, value system, and worth of having it, which is essential first in its manifesting anyway, but the design is not complete without coming together with 'others' to reveal it to the rest of the world. So collaboration and cooperation are key to all success in the physical world.

So the duality here is Self and other, and the ruling planet of (Self) is in the sign of the (Other)! This provides a huge opportunity to bring a new balance and success into our lives that is created based on what we GIVE more than what we are trying to get. We have a chance to build win-win partnerships and direct our actions with that  mutually beneficial intention.

Now, even though all that sounds pretty, I am not saying it will be easy. It most likely won't be completely enjoyable for any of us. Although these are both Cardinal, or initiating energies, Libra is often indecisive and Mars is the aggressive, 'just do it' force, so it may make us feel stuck and suspended without a clear direction at all, constantly in an annoying state of back and forth. It may also mean that some relationships will end if the parties are not working well together and playing fairly. The good news is that this could happen amicably or without much resistance since the fire of Mars is squelched by the over thinking process of the Libra Air. (Baring any other fiery transiting planet placements)

Either way, stay or go, success or failure, movement or holding firmly in place, whatever direction this transit pushes you in your life, the result will be the best for all parties involved. We all want a life that is fun, exciting and progressing as well as to live in a peaceful, fair and loving world with others. So remember that regardless of what 'happens', what we learn from this time will be valuable information that will support our journey forward in communicating and dealing better within all forms of relationships! And won't that make it all worth it?

Awareness is key! For your well Being!

If you would like to know specifically how this movement of Mars through Libra will be playing out for you, I am available for consultations. Please feel free to email me at or got to my website, to learn more about my services and products. And sign up for my Newsletter for even more detailed insight delivered to your inbox each month.  


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