Eclipse Recovery - Time for some R&R
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Total Solar Eclipse 2017 - NASA |
August has been a BIG month to say the least!
many people talked about how there would be life before the eclipse
and life after. Well, it may appear on the outside that not much has changed
(yet), and I don't know about you, but EVERYTHING seems to have shifted on the
inside for me, and so many others I know and have spoken to. I'm still
integrating it all but I'm super excited about the future because of all I am
All the pictures of this stellar celestial event are so captivating too. They really are reminders of the magnificence and beauty of our Universe.
So when I say it's time for some R&R, I know that the first thing that
comes to mind is Rest and Relaxation.
And that is definitely #1 on the list.
Getting extra rest, eating well, being gentle with yourself and taking time for yourself are all very important for post eclipse recovery. New Moon's in general can really take it out of you and eclipse energy, by nature, is much more intense. In turn, the effects can linger longer as well. So this week's New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Leo, both literally and figuratively, diminished our vitality momentarily and we need to take proper time to refuel.
And within some of that downtime the next two R's come in; Reflection and Realization.
There are many other Astrologers,
healers, teachers and light workers all saying it is important to not rush
right back into life after this amazing event we all experienced
on Aug 21st. So staying still, reflective and contemplative for a
while longer will allow for a deeper integration in the most positive ways. A few good things you could do are; take quiet walks in nature, meditate, journal and stay conscious of the emotions, thoughts and situations that are surfacing.
I have been following this direction since the beginning of this eclipse season because the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse landed on my Aquarius Sun. So I was aware that this could be personally very significant. I've continued to stay receptive and reflective and have been encouraging
others to also in the days following the eclipse.
This quiet time allowed me to
sit in meditation more often and reflect on my personal path and potential
going forward. And also to address my shadow side that quietly inhibits my growth from the background.
That self sabotaging has to be fully recognized and released so I can honestly discover my best way forward. Hey, a couple more R's for you!
I'll share some authentic truths that have come up for me that I am still fully integrating. And sharing them in writing with you is part of that process. As well, after
looking back at the list, surprisingly, yet NOT, it directly points to my own Astrology. So I included that note for each and how it manifests for me, which will also support another point I'll make soon.
1. There is room for my unique voice, skills and talents in the collective
and my words matter, can heal, serve and deeply impact others.
- My Aquarius Sun/Mercury/North Node in the 8th house. (Progressive thinker, seeking to learn and teach truth and transformation for personal growth and to support the evolution of others)
2. I am always worried about what others will think, being judged
unfairly and/or rejected, and being vulnerable feels life threatening at times.
- My Moon/Pluto conjunction in Libra in my 4th house. (Super sensitive and intuitive to the thoughts and darkness within, in others and in the world, which creates insecurity and fear of being misunderstood and abandoned if I share myself and thoughts fully)
3. Trusting in divine timing is way more difficult than I preach or let
on in my life.
- My Saturn in Taurus in my 11th house. (I have been married to the idea that success and abundance are luxuries I can never afford without challenge and struggle) #Iwantadivorce
4. I want to be and do more with my life than be a wife and mother, and
yet being a wife and mother are the very roles that motivate, support and
inspire me to do exactly what I want to do to be more of service in the world.
- My Venus in Pisces in my 10th house and my 10th house Mars trine Jupiter in Sagittarius in my 6th house. (I'm often overwhelmed with uncertainty in my career direction, while being extremely motivated in my daily life to travel my own personal growth journey and to serve, teach, inspire and love unconditionally those close to me that I can trust and I know love and appreciate me already.)
The next set of R's are Review and
And as I awaken more to my own vulnerability and realize the
courage it actually brings in, I feel inspired to review how I conduct myself in
my life with others, how I share myself and how I can integrate and create a
new personal practice for myself that can improve and progress my life and work in a
more authentic and successful direction.
So once you have discovered some of your own truths through this universal growth offering, given to each of us this month, I hope you can focus them in the direction of expressing your own unique personal power, reaching your highest life purpose and in authentic loving serve to both Self and Other.
As we wrap up and end August and begin September in Mercury Retrograde,
all the R words are RE-visited and can become RE-framed with RE-newed intention.
One final personal point: The one powerful message that seems to stay consistent
for me is Astrology.
Astrology is my primary, however unconventional it may be,
most valuable tool for self-discovery. And it assists me in all facets of my life; learning about others, exploring the happenings in the world, evolving in my own life, living more consciously, loving more honestly, parenting my son more confidently and teaching others what I know through experience and study. It has really brought it all together for me and allowed me to
understand all the parts of myself and how the energies of the planets
constantly moving around me serve to keep me always learning and transforming,
which I find vital in this life. And in true Aquarius fashion, therefore
reveals more clearly, and inspires more courage within me to travel in the
direction I'm called to go. And I will honor this call.
Ask yourself too: What have been your most powerful messages this month and what are they revealing and evoking in you for better guidance in your journey going forward?
"Gratitude is the single most important ingredient to living a successful and fulfilled life." said Jack Canfield. I would agree and add Brene Brown's researched truth, "Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change."
So let me take a last moment to be both grateful and vulnerable. While making the effort to ensure I got the most out of this energetic
portal during eclipse season, I took part in a transforming event called, The
Global Eclipse Meditation Series hosted by Astrology Hub.
Amanda Pua Walsh, founder and CEO, put
together an amazing line up of speakers, teachers, healers, shaman,
Astrologers and meditations, over a 14 day period between eclipses, that
brought together over 14 thousand souls from around the world to anchor
themselves in love and with others to help support and navigate each of us and
our planet through this eclipse portal. It was a true experience of shadow work and awakening into the Light within and around
us all.
It was priceless, not to mention is was all done in non-profit support of a foundation called Ivy Child, which teachers children around the world mindfulness and meditation. It was and continues to be a very special community to be a part of and has
been key to my own evolutionary journey.
Joining this group has opened me up to a global network of like minds and
hopeful humans that have made me feel more relevant, reinvigorated, less alone
and more encouraged to shine my own light, in my own way, unapologetically and
without expectation or fear.(and I still get a lump in my throat when I say that, #stillintegrating)
Change, growth, success and true fulfillment does begin with vulnerability and gratitude.
And I have SO MUCH gratitude to all those who love me, support me and
have connected with me, long ago and just recently. I have been and will always be humbled and encouraged
to hear that my readings, newsletters, posts and shares serve, support and encourage you
on your path. We really are all in this
together and we all need each other to make it through this life. It's my intention and wish to be able to help myself and others to do this with even more consciousness,
compassion, acceptance and love.
I look forward to what lies ahead for all of us! All the best in your Post Eclipse
Recovery! Stay tuned for my September newsletter and a lot more from this newly
inspired and freshly guided Astrologer. ;)
Astrology Love and Light!
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