Virgo/Libra - Embodying Balance

The Sun and the personal planets making their way through the service sign of Virgo this past month naturally put the focus on our health, daily routines, practical approach to work and duties, as well as, our spiritual practices for personal growth. And with Mercury as the ruling planet it also inspired questions of how, where and who are we serving and is there a built in balance.

So for many, September has really been a slow yet soulful month of working to connect to our bodies and daily lives in a more mindful, healing, helpful and purposeful way.

I personally have been taking actions to prioritize my day to ensure there is a healthy balance between my inner service and my outer service. I am also making a conscious effort to shift my attitude and perspective to discover more enchantment and joy in doing that which I must do each day.

Through my Soul work I have been also working on embodiment and specifically the embodiment of the planets as they rule each day of the week, their teachings and energies, and how they support and uniquely take shape within me. This can be done in many ways, like wearing certain colors, gemstones, doing certain things on the day or simply meditating on the energies. And actually getting out under the planets and stars at night really makes an impact.  Click HERE for an article on the energies and meanings of each day of the week if you're interested in trying some embodiment work for yourself.

It's very good to be aware of the current planetary cycles and how they are affecting your chart, however, implementing ways of discovering how these energies manifest within your body can be key to not only expanding your understanding of Astrology and what's happening universally, but also provides a new depth of knowing exactly what, where and who enriches your daily experience...and what, where and who doesn't.

Let's face it, life is a day in and day out process of survival, service and soul seeking. So if we can build a steadfast practice for good health, fair and orderly offerings and being in complete communion with nature, our environment and community, how could it not lead to more ease, joy, gratitude and happiness? I think this is the bridge from Virgo into Libra land and creating true peace, harmony and balance within and with others.  

The Sun has shifted into Libra and the personal planets will slowly fall in line to add their insight, support and motivation to take the next steps in the this year's journey through the zodiac, and hopefully our upward spiral of evolution. Libra energy is much lighter, gentler and gracious in its effort to guide us into positive, peaceful relations with others. And that begins with a realistic understanding and honest acceptance of Self, which is what Virgo offers us first.   

So taking advantage of what the universal energies are offering, and with the further awakening to its importance for maintaining the energy, vitality, ease, joy and comfort I seek to survive and thrive, I am beginning to build a dedication to taking better care of myself. 

Physically, because I am not getting any young and I want to stick around and enjoy as much of this life and my child's life as possible. Eating better, scheduling in simple yet regular exercise and daily mediation has been very helpful for me on this front.

Mentally; because I can often block my own success by over analyzing what I know or don't know, instead of fully embracing the student of life that I love being and allowing that to continuously enliven my work and sharpen my professional skills. Releasing the pressure of time, expectations, worry and other societal ideals or projected judgments about what qualifies anyone for anything has proven valuable here.

Emotionally, because avoiding being vulnerable and not staying connected to my heart keeps me detached from knowing what I need on a soul level to truly anchor in and feel love. Meditation and Moon journaling has been a nice way to maintain a daily connection to my emotions.

Also, I've been taking stock and showing gratitude for all that I already have that supports me on my unique path every day. I am a natural nurturer (Cancer rising, Moon in Libra in the 4th house ruled by Cancer) and I do everything for my family and the people I love, but they also provide me with a very special purpose and a freedom to pursue and be who I am at all times. They've got it good and so do I.

I have Virgo on the 4th house cusp too, meaning that being dedicated to and having a daily practice of loving myself and taking care of myself is essential to my ability to take care of the others I love. Organizing my day in this new way has already revealed its benefits and therefore I feel even more motivated to stay committed to my new routine.

And as I further evolve, enrich and enhance my life through a balance in service from the inside out, I feel more at peace, and in harmony with myself and in my connections with others. And a large part of being able to embrace my Libra energy has come from working to really embody the energy of Virgo, beginning to answer the questions it's ruling planet Mercury calls us to ask, and re-framing how these energies manifest in my chart and even more deeply in my heart.

Virgo's highest intention is to be of service and Libra promotes sharing as caring.  So after consciously rooting into the practical, grounding force of Virgo and experiencing the benefits for myself, I thought I might share my Live and Learn Astrology story of the month in the hopes that it might help or inspire someone else on their path to Embodying Balance.

Astrology Love & Light


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