Undercurrents of Summer

And these conditions in nature are a reflection of the unseen, yet very much felt, energies of our current astrological weather as well.
There has certainly been fun and plenty of festivities to enjoy these last couple of months, and at the same time there have been moments of significant emotion, loss, confusion, pain, fear, fighting and frustration.
Some of this energy has crashed into people's lives forcing major change and some of it has rushed beneath the surface more subtly pushing us to learn, grow and transform.
Either way, and whether we believe it or not, it’s all just part of life and it’s all good.
Either way, and whether we believe it or not, it’s all just part of life and it’s all good.
In this dualistic world in which we reside the reality is there must be fear and danger to overcome in order to be able to experience true joy, love and success.
I’ve watched it on a large scale as I've witnessed friends work through the death of a loved ones or the end of a family lineage, to heal and find a renewed sense of purpose.
I’ve watched it on a large scale as I've witnessed friends work through the death of a loved ones or the end of a family lineage, to heal and find a renewed sense of purpose.
And I've watched it on a small scale as I've witnessed my 7 year old son push through his fears to ride the rough river waves on a raft behind a boat and tackle the scary beach surf to learn to boogie board. And in both cases he ended up having the time of his life and gaining major confidence in himself.
Now I know this truth doesn't make it easier to deal with, and that kids by nature are less fearful in their exuberant youth and lack of baggage build up. But this is also why children can be our best teachers and offer us the best guidance and reminders.
Now I know this truth doesn't make it easier to deal with, and that kids by nature are less fearful in their exuberant youth and lack of baggage build up. But this is also why children can be our best teachers and offer us the best guidance and reminders.
Perfect for us as we move through Leo season too.
Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac and rules the 5th house of the tropical astrological mandala. And this sign and house rules children among other things and therefore implies all the characteristics you might think of when you think about a young 7 or 8 year old kid.
Playful, fun, excitable, creative, joyful, silly, adventurous, confident, and courageous....to name a few of the best qualities. The shadow side naturally also exists and can manifest in the form of self-centeredness, overconfidence, arrogance, disrespect and disregard.
But all of this together is expressed in a pure effort to discover the heart of who we really are, what we really desire, what we want and what we don’t. Sound familiar? That’s because this is the goal for each of us, continuously, as we journey through life, change, grow and evolve.
And when the Sun transits Leo, the sign that rules the Sun, this becomes the time to really check in and assess our inner Leo, personal Sun energy, how we shine in our lives and if we are in alignment with our own passions, desires and Self-hood.
Well we are getting some powerful universal assists to discover this this summer.
We are in the middle of Eclipse season and as I write this we are approaching the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on Friday. The Moon in Aquarius will oppose the Sun in Leo and will pass behind and through Earth's shadow causing us to literally block out the reflected light of the moon.
Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac and rules the 5th house of the tropical astrological mandala. And this sign and house rules children among other things and therefore implies all the characteristics you might think of when you think about a young 7 or 8 year old kid.
Playful, fun, excitable, creative, joyful, silly, adventurous, confident, and courageous....to name a few of the best qualities. The shadow side naturally also exists and can manifest in the form of self-centeredness, overconfidence, arrogance, disrespect and disregard.
But all of this together is expressed in a pure effort to discover the heart of who we really are, what we really desire, what we want and what we don’t. Sound familiar? That’s because this is the goal for each of us, continuously, as we journey through life, change, grow and evolve.
And when the Sun transits Leo, the sign that rules the Sun, this becomes the time to really check in and assess our inner Leo, personal Sun energy, how we shine in our lives and if we are in alignment with our own passions, desires and Self-hood.
Well we are getting some powerful universal assists to discover this this summer.
We are in the middle of Eclipse season and as I write this we are approaching the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on Friday. The Moon in Aquarius will oppose the Sun in Leo and will pass behind and through Earth's shadow causing us to literally block out the reflected light of the moon.
We won’t be able to see it here in the West, but we will no doubt feel it. And as we figuratively sit in the dark for what will be the longest Eclipse in a century, our deepest fears can surface to say hello...and goodbye.
As we wax toward this emotional wave you may already feel them climbing up from the depths.
I’ve had a few conversations on this topic already this week with a close friend. We commiserated on how staying patient, hopeful and positive in the face of our fears feels impossible some days, and how challenging it is waiting for years for the universe to send us a clear resounding, "Yes, you are on the right track, you will get there and your dreams will come true. Keep going!"
But we also agreed that witnessing our mental and emotional struggle like we do our restless thoughts in meditation, without judgment, and honoring them as part of the honest, ugly, beautiful journey, is also the key to being able to receive that message and reaching our personal goals...eventually. A strong belief in divine timing doesn't hurt either.
So as we move through the end of Summer and prepare to head into Fall and harvest time, it's essential that we face the undercurrents of our lives to overcome any doubts, fears, limiting beliefs and personal challenges to be able to step more fully into the truth of who we are on the other side of this eclipse season.
I’ve had a few conversations on this topic already this week with a close friend. We commiserated on how staying patient, hopeful and positive in the face of our fears feels impossible some days, and how challenging it is waiting for years for the universe to send us a clear resounding, "Yes, you are on the right track, you will get there and your dreams will come true. Keep going!"
But we also agreed that witnessing our mental and emotional struggle like we do our restless thoughts in meditation, without judgment, and honoring them as part of the honest, ugly, beautiful journey, is also the key to being able to receive that message and reaching our personal goals...eventually. A strong belief in divine timing doesn't hurt either.
So as we move through the end of Summer and prepare to head into Fall and harvest time, it's essential that we face the undercurrents of our lives to overcome any doubts, fears, limiting beliefs and personal challenges to be able to step more fully into the truth of who we are on the other side of this eclipse season.
It's time to assess what we have planted this past Spring, what we have been watering and cultivating this summer, and determine what stays, what goes, what we might wish to plant again next year and what we don't.
And we are still in retrograde/reverse/review status on many fronts throughout the month of August. So continue to ride the waves with wonder and joy, while also remembering to surrender to the powerful currents when pulled under and asked to recognize and release some part of ourselves that is blocking the sun from shining through us.
And remember that growing up is hard, at any age, but we are all still and always will be, kids at heart.
And we are still in retrograde/reverse/review status on many fronts throughout the month of August. So continue to ride the waves with wonder and joy, while also remembering to surrender to the powerful currents when pulled under and asked to recognize and release some part of ourselves that is blocking the sun from shining through us.
And remember that growing up is hard, at any age, but we are all still and always will be, kids at heart.
Astrology can be super helpful in staying in the flow of life, our lives specifically, and navigating through the ups and downs consciously. It certainly does this for me. It can be especially helpful when we can be aware in advance of serious undercurrents present as there are this summer.
All the best,
Live and Learn Astrology - For your well Being!
My monthly newsletter for August will be out next week and if you would like to receive detailed insight and astrological support for this month and beyond, please subscribe!
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