Taurus True Value Test

"You can never lose, when you are being true to You!"

With the ground literally and figuratively shaking under our feet over last month and beyond, it's natural now that we would be having to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and attempt to learn from what we've just experienced so we can begin again to build our BEST LIFE

The month of Taurus is the perfect time to start an evaluation process to help us get there because Taurus rules our self-esteem, finances, value systems and the special skills and talents we possess in order to manifest tangible success in the world. So now is a great time to take a good look at how we handle our money, rate our work, judge ourselves and care for ourselves.

Take the Taurus True Value Test to assess where you can grow your self-worth and in turn increase your net worth. Abundance manifests from the inside out, so answer these key questions honestly for yourself and start integrating the lessons you've learn into the creation a fuller, more successful life. 
  • What do I truly value most in life?
  • What do I wish to create of lasting value in my life?
  • Am I doing work that I love?
  • Do I feel worthy of having all that I desire most?
  • Am I undervaluing my skills and talents?
  • Am I working hard enough to build the life I desire?
  • Are my relationships supporting what I am trying to build or create in my life?
  • Am I handling my finances responsibly?
  • Am I equating my worth with how much money I make?
  • Am I holding on to 'things' that don't truly make me happy?
Taurus is slow-moving and can appreciate the hard-work and time it often takes for things to grow. However, we live in a fast-paced world and most of us are extremely impatient. We can all benefit from taking on the slow, steady, sustainable approach that our solid Bull friends do. So take personal note, answer some tough questions and start laying the foundation for your BEST LIFE.  

For your well Being!

I hope this test helps you discover where the true value lies within you and your life. And remember you can follow me on facebook and twitter for more daily support. And sign up for my Newsletter for even more detailed insight delivered to your inbox each month.  



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