September's End
Libra's ruling planet Venus is in Scorpio and will be moving closer and closer to a trine to Jupiter in Cancer this week, which will be exact by Thursday the 26th. As they move in for a warm embrace, the Moon moves through Gemini bringing rise to the need to talk about our feelings but by the time they meet the Moon is in Cancer and no words are needed to express the love and deep connections we have worked hard to cultivate. And the flow of even emotion can facilitate balance from deep within yourself out to your family and beyond.
And as Mars in Leo comes in to a square aspect to challenge things on Friday the 27th, keep the faith. You may feel a little irritated or cranky, especially if you bear witness to selfish behavior that contradicts all the balance you are trying to achieve. And if there is a threat to your security and safety, avoid letting your fears get the best of you and trust that real abundance comes from within anyway.
We have been on a mental sea-saw for most of the month with Mercury in Libra and next Sunday, the 29th, Mercury enters Scorpio where it will stay through December 4th. {There will be a retrograde from Oct. 21st to Nov. 11th, but I will write more on that later.} Mercury in Scorpio will bring communication to a deeper level, for better or worse. I say for better or worse because conversations will take on a much more serious tone overall and the topics may be a bit darker and this can go either way in terms of support. It could manifest as attempts of manipulation and control or seeking deeper truths that can heal and transform. And an enhancing trine to Neptune at the same time could also go either way because it could give rise to surrender of the verbal battle and begin more peaceful talks or it can fuel the illusion of a war that doesn't really exist and make for a long road to hoe. The choice is yours.
Do you feel like you're on a sea-saw even now reading this? Well, remember, the Sun is in Libra now, so this will likely continue for most of the month. The desire for Libra is to create harmony and balance. However, in the effort to do whatever it takes to keep the peace, often this can lead to over-compromising and creating more of the opposite, imbalance.
In order to find real balance in our lives we must always consider the other side of things. Libra's opposite is Aries. Aries rules Self and Libra rules Other, so in order to reach the goal here we must use the assertive energy of Aries to negotiate fairly for the good of all involved. Libra reminds us that we can do more together than we can alone.
So as September ends and fall begins, try to let go of the struggle to do it all alone and seek allies that support and share your vision for ultimate peace, love and happiness. The party loving Libra can initiate a boost to your social life and bring opportunity to meet new potential partners in love, life and work.
For your well Being!
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