True Nature of Unplugging

We're coming down the mountain from the beautiful Sierras after a peaceful, unplugged few days of camping and fishing. I'm looking at my phone and wait with great anticipation to see the 4G signal come on. Being out of touch for that short amount of time felt like a month and I realize how truly attached to the digital world and my device I am. However, after emailing my mom that we're safely on our way home, posting to FB and the world a slice of our trip, scrolling through my news feed a bit and deleting almost 200 junk emails, I'm looking out the back window at the majestic beauty and serene land of digital freedom and feeling silly. That took all of 5 minutes and yet I spend hours online every day. What have I learned?

Rewind three days: As the Sun was entering soulful Cancer I wanted to use this time as an opportunity to do a bit of a digital detox, as I knew I would already be 'out of range' for a few days anyway. It was stunningly beautiful and while sitting on these rocks, looking out at this view, hearing the water rushing, feeling the wind gusting through, the bugs buzzing around and feeling the powerful sun on my face all at the same time, I remembered that nature has its own brand of hustle and bustle. The difference here though, is the feeling of ease, peace and purpose with which it all happens. There is obviously the natural "survival of the fittest" element, but even in that there is a sense of calm because it's understood and respected that it's just a natural part of life.

So it changed my focus from emails, social media and worldly issues to the busy simplicity of nature. And by tuning into the rhythm around me and surrendering to this peaceful pace, it naturally made me feel lighter and able to understand things a little better.

Now I love my computer, my iPad, the internet and my cell phone! And after a few hours of watching my husband teach my son Joseph how to fish, enjoying one of his favorite past times and soaking up the fresh, clean mountain environment, we return to the campsite and we see the fully loaded RV's across the way with their TV's on. I instantly think, damn, I'm missing the Bachelorette! I know, it's sad! But it's true. And even my hubby was like, "it would be nice to chill and watch a movie right now". It's just the reality of life for us. And because the world has advanced and these fine folks running campgrounds want to still attract visitors, they have set up satellite dishes all over so you don't have to fully unplug to still enjoy the great outdoors.

But then after we play a little ball with our son, cook up an awesome tri-tip with potatoes and fresh zucchini from grandpa's back yard, crack a cold beer and then settle in by a fire for smores, I appreciate this time and feel the value of stepping away from all the things that keep us disconnected from each other, nature and ourselves. We have great conversation, tell silly stories with a flashlight under our chins, watch the millions of stars come out, that we never get to see in the city, and again I realize how small we are compared to the entire Milky Way. And yet, it was still fun to be able to use the Google Star Gazer App on my phone to see where the planets where and which constellations we were seeing.
So the reality is that we do live in a digital age and that can't be denied or escaped from entirely without conscious effort. And that's okay. But that just means we have to make unplugging on a regular or at least occasional basis more of a priority to stay connected with ourselves and what's truly most important. And even though I felt like I was off the grind for a really long time, and it was a helpful withdrawal from everything, I still could have sat there staring out at the beautiful mountain lake view for an actual month for me to entirely empty my mind and really connect with my inner source/voice/spirit.

Nevertheless, it was a great reminder that when I do step away and unplug nothing horrible happens. I don't miss out on anything and the world keeps on turning with or without me engaged in it. So you get a little taste of mortality when you unplug, which I think is healthy too. And even though I was with my core family, there is a sobering reminder of the truth, "you can't take it with you", and I should appreciate every day and even each mundane moment as priceless.

When we get so attached to the colorful screens and illusion of life we miss out on the real beauty all around us and perhaps miss out on discovering our real purpose for being here in the first place. 

I understand the benefit of unplugging for myself to witness the beauty around me, both in nature and in my family. But I realize it's even more important to do it for Joseph. My son is only going to be three once and he will only catch his first fish once. And as a parent now in our world, I think it is even more important to teach kids how to unplug, get outside more and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Astrologically, water/Cancer energy is a great support for doing this kind of self nurturing and tapping into our true needs. If there was a ton of air/mental energy in the heavens it may have been even more of a challenge to separate, quiet my mind and hear this sweet reminder. 

So this, to me, is yet another benefit of being aware of the current Astrological weather. It allows us to utilize it to our advantage so it can truly support our course. The planets, stars and heavens above are also part of this reflective nature that is here to help us recognize who we truly are and what an amazing opportunity this life is for each of us. 

I hope sharing my story will inspire you to consider making a conscious effort to unplug from the world more often, so you can plug in to the beauty of the world around you every day as well as your own natural beauty within. And if you dig Astrology as much as I do, you can also look to it as a guide for understanding your own personal nature so you can understand everything else a little better. For your well Being! #FYWB

Please feel free to share how you're using the current self-nurturing Cancer energy to help you unplug and tap into your deeper personal nature by commenting below. I'd love to hear what works for you so maybe it can also inspire others as well. And remember you can follow me on facebook and twitter for more daily support. Sign up for my Newsletter for even more detailed insight in your inbox each month. Thanks so much! 


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