What I know NOW about LOVE & Marriage!
However, because life is a journey and not a destination, and the planets are always moving, I
have naturally learned even more about love and marriage over the last year. Astrologically,
among many other things obviously, we are both being hit with some powerful transits of change and transformation. My husband is going through a Pluto square
transit, which is bringing in career/work issues that are challenging him to transform
his own value system. And I have been suffering the challenge of Uranus
transiting over my natal Chiron. You can also recap with my Cardinal Cross Confession to get more of a taste of my personal struggle. But in a nutshell, we
both have been moving through some personal transformation over the last year. And
it's all been individual stuff, not necessarily issues with each other. But
that's kind of my point here. Ultimately, it all comes back to YOU! Our
partnerships in life are there to support and challenge our personal growth, while
validating and encouraging us on our path. And yes we can certainly lean on
them, but we can't allow them to become a crutch. And while undergoing my own
inner struggles this year and also being there to help my life partner navigate
his personal struggles, I've come to a new and profound realization.
When I met and married Daniel and then we built a life, home
and family together, I truly felt that I had struck a life lottery because I
honestly could never imagine this kind of life for myself. I was and am eternally
grateful. And I live in gratitude and service to my life every day, as I'm sure
many of us do. But you see, as I reflect, I realize now that, when I found and created the
life I have, it came from me first living in a place of complete comfort with
who I was at the time and in LOVE with that place. Whatever happened or didn't
happen, I knew somehow I would be fine, more than fine actually. I was living with more trust in the divine plan that God and the universe has for me. I wasn't pushing.
But now that I
have SO much more than I thought possible, I often feel it's ego to desire
anything more for myself and yet I am pushing for it all the time. I'm not trusting as much. And this is nothing that my husband puts on me, I do
this all to myself. Somehow, in my efforts to adjust to my new reality of wife,
mother and struggling, yet passionate, Astrologer, I have fallen back into a
fear that nothing else 'great' will ever happen to me. That perhaps this is my
crowning achievement. And yet, as soon as I write that I am mad at myself
because I know in my heart that is bullshit and that's not how the universe
works. And even if all I did do was continue to build a solid marriage and raise
a powerful, purposeful child while enjoying all that comes from that, so what?!
Would that be so bad? NO! It wouldn't! And yet, as my realization unfolds more, I see that the real anger is
because I'm mad at my own lack of trust in something that has always proven its support for me in the past. This is my personal struggle and my struggle alone, and one that my husband
honors with respect and love and more importantly without judgment every day. And this is one of the main reasons
I love him so very much!
And for Dan, may Cancer man, he was raised to be the provider. And before he
met me and became the provider for our family, he worked hard and had and did everything
he wanted no matter the cost. So although he now has "everything he's ever
wanted" with me and Joe, and that consumes most of his resources, he
struggles to find new ways to give to himself. And I often feel bad about that,
so I never deny him any personal pleasure he seeks. And now that the love for his job has waned with all the changes, I feel even worse. He knows it's time for a change and the energies are pushing him toward it, but I don't want to add undue pressure, so I instead try to just support and encourage as he figures it out for himself. I know how
he's built, through Astrology and simply as a man, so I never tell him what to do
anyway. I let him choose for himself because then he always makes an honest,
responsible decision all on his own and in his own time. In the meantime, he has
his outlets and loves, and I have mind, that we retreat to while processing our own personal journey 'stuff'.
I can't speak for him, but for me, the on-going
Self-discovery process has led me to the place where I realize I am currently struggling
to truly trust the universe and practice what I preach. I am a very mental/air person and my mind is
constantly analyzing, processing and integrating new information. That's what I
do. That's how I evolve. But this can also be my worst enemy as much as my
greatest asset. The mind is a terrible thing to waste but only if you don't
allow it to limit or destroy you. My husband knows this about me and warns me all the
time that I am over-thinking things and I need to just let go and be. And he is right! This is another reason he is in my life and I need him to be. And since he is more of a feeler and a typical man who just pushes down and forward in life, I remind him of the value of talking things out to process his feelings and help him make necessary changes. We often see others clearer than we see ourselves and I believe this is one of the biggest benefits of a marriage and our closes relationships. They are there to influence and guide us. They are the Angels that God and the universe place in our lives to teach us. Daniel and I are partners in life and we deeply love each other, but we are very different people. And we truly love, respect and honor our differences, giving each other the space to do our own growth work. That, to me, is one of the main reasons why our marriage thrives.
So as we both have been dealing with finding balance between our desire to serve our life together and desire for more personal achievements, I am coming to a new place
of love and surrender and encouraging him to do the same. Allowing ourselves to enjoy and fully feel at home and in LOVE with where and who we are NOW, as well as being okay with whatever happens or doesn't happen from here, is what will
make space for life to really unfold for us individually and as a couple. We know this 'intellectually', for sure,
even if the' doing' of it is hard sometimes.
My affirmation for this next year and beyond is: I am
grateful. I am blessed. I am loved. And I have all that I will ever need on the inside and on the outside. Thank
you! I love you!
Thanks for taking the time to read my personal story on Living
Astrology from the inside out! I hope it can support and inspire you in some way to find more LOVE in the NOW of your own marriage, relationships and lives.
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