Astrology and Motherhood
Astrology has been an amazing tool in helping me understand
and know myself in a way I never have before. And now that I am a mother, I have the opportunity to know and
understand my son in a unique way and utilize priceless insight to assist us both in his development and growth. I hope it can help me be the best mom possible. And I
will pass on the knowledge as he gets older so he may know himself
on this level as well and love and accept himself fully. I will do all I can to ensure he lives a
wonderful, rich and full life.
Jose Alfonso Jaramillo was born March 4, 2011 at 8:38 am in
Tarzana, California
Oh, the Pisces!!!
I started writing this when he was only a few months old. I was just exploring the possibilities and looking to detect any characteristics that might begin to prove the chart on even a minute level. This is what I revealed upon first look, but everything will come to light as he grows and much deeper and more specific meanings uncovered.
Then with all that Pisces, he naturally loves the water. From the bath to the hose to the big pool, he progressed from one to the other in lightening speed.
Oh, the possibilities:
In terms of the elements, Joseph has a ton of water and very
little fire. This is where hopefully environment can come into play in a
positive way. He could be quite unmotivated at times and perhaps even lazy.
However, with a hardworking, disciplined, and extremely motivated father we
hope he will observe and learn the value of these qualities and find a way to
create them for himself. He is also likely to be extremely sensitive, emotional
and compassionate which could allow him to be taken advantage of, pushed around
or misunderstood at times. As a sensitive yet fiery mom I hope to show him that
there is nothing wrong with emotion and that they do not mean you are weak.
Perhaps if I show him the value of compassion without taking on other people’s
emotional issues himself he can really help people love their sensitive side
All of this Pisces water will almost guarantee that he will
be creative in some way. And with most of it in the 11th house ruled by Aquarius naturally, it could be something unique that he does in his own unconventional way. He is likely to have many friends and big hopes and dreams. His father and I will support and guide whatever direction he chooses.
But it's fun to speculate for now... will he sing with that Taurus rising? Perhaps cook
even? Maybe he’ll draw or paint, act or dance. Will he be a teacher or spiritual leader? It will be exciting to see what
he discovers and is drawn to. Whatever he does do though, with that Taurus rising he will
probably want to make good money doing it so he can have all he desires.
He will be my pride, joy, love, teacher and little Astrological experiment all at the same time. I hope through my writings I can teach the value of Astrology in parenting and inspire you to use the tool in your own lives.
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