Horoscope Experiment
Each year I do an Astrology Solar Return for myself in conjunction with a Tarot horoscope reading. I like combining the tools for fun, experimentation and to double up my insight for the year ahead. A Solar Return chart in Astrology is a freeze frame of your birth chart for the current year. It is a temporary chart that will give insight and awareness of the focus for the coming year. It can also show specific areas of growth or challenge you may be encountering along the way. However, nothing can happen in the Solar Chart that is not promised by the Natal Chart. The Natal is always number one.
A Tarot horoscope reading is simply placing the cards down in a circle, one card for each month of the year and the circle representing the houses of the Astrological chart. There is also one extra card placed in the center to represent an overall theme or focus for the year. As I read the card for each month and house I look to see if any planets fall there in the Solar Return chart. There is often uncanny similarity in the message between the planet or planets and the Tarot card.
Then the fun begins! I place the information away and just live my life.
As I use my knowledge of Astrology and the daily transits to assist me in my navigation I often come to a place where I feel lost and confused and need reassurance or additional help. So I pull out my annual reading and look for clues or signs of clarity in the future. Now honestly, my quest is not always met with success, but this year it seems to be right on the money so far.

I have many possible goals to fulfill this year and this is a positive card to support my efforts. However, as soon as we make plans in life something is sure to come along and force you to change them, right? And the Universe seems to throw it's own spin on things along the way. I believe if you move forward with your intentions and also allow for the universe to guide and support you, there is a great chance for success. Not always an easy task, but one that has proven to be a truth for me.
I hope you will go on an experimental journey with me this year as I attempt to prove the value of listening to my guides as they send helpful messages through the tools of Astrology and the Tarot.
The Beginning...
My Tarot card for January was Death, which is a card of major transformation. The death of an old cycle and the birth of a new one. As well, the planet Pluto falls in the first house of my Solar Return chart. Pluto is the planet that rules transformation in the sign of Scorpio. I happen to have made a major decision to take the leap into starting my own home-based business. This has certainly changed my identity and personal motivation for the year. Not to mention I was about to turn 40 in February and that was another milestone time that was forcing me to review what I was going to be in this next chapter of me life. Wife and mother have come so naturally in the recent few years and I feel totally supported in my journey to be a stay-at-home mom with a business that still allows me to teach my passion to the world.
My Tarot card for January was Death, which is a card of major transformation. The death of an old cycle and the birth of a new one. As well, the planet Pluto falls in the first house of my Solar Return chart. Pluto is the planet that rules transformation in the sign of Scorpio. I happen to have made a major decision to take the leap into starting my own home-based business. This has certainly changed my identity and personal motivation for the year. Not to mention I was about to turn 40 in February and that was another milestone time that was forcing me to review what I was going to be in this next chapter of me life. Wife and mother have come so naturally in the recent few years and I feel totally supported in my journey to be a stay-at-home mom with a business that still allows me to teach my passion to the world.
I am so excited to start my new business and am geared up for great forward motion after years of dreaming. However, as planetary influence would have it, I have been thrown into a dance of three steps forward and two steps back.
Dance with me as I explore further....
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