Mars and Baby

Joseph just turned one recently and is having his first Mars opposition....

Now what is that exactly?

Mars is the planet that impart rules energy, action, aggression, and independence. Mars is a 22 month cycle and a child has their first Mars Return around age 2. "Return" simply meaning that, it returns to the same position it was in at the time of birth. Everyone knows the term for what I'm getting at, right? The "Terrible Twos". Well, I think with some advanced warning and understanding of your child's specific chart they might not have to be so terrible. Here's hoping...

There are 4 stages of this transit cycle that all children go through. I will be referencing material from a great book called "Star Parenting", by Sherrynne Dalby. 

So stage one occurs from 4-11 months when your baby starts to sit and crawl. They begin to use their hands and see the world differently. They may be able to independently select objects and movement can now become a choice. 

Stage two occurs from 9-15 months when your baby goes from crawling to walking, often coinciding with the first birthday. This is the stage Joseph is in and he walked just two weeks before his first birthday. Dalby says, " walking your toddler now realizes they can come and go as they choose. However, this also comes with the realization of separation from their parents, which can cause them to become 'clingy', thinking that if they can leave mom and dad that means mom and dad can also leave them. As they become more aware of this separateness they also reach the next important developmental phase: relating to others."   

Joseph is definitely fluctuating between wanting to run free and explore one second to wanting to be cuddled the next. It's confusing at times for me, but I just hug him and then let him take off again. I hope this gives him the security he needs to know I won't ever really leave him. And I do tell him that too, even if I don't know if he understands me. I'm pretty confident he 'feels' that from me though. 

The next stage is 13-19 months when they start to assert their own authority with this new found freedom. They can begin to act out and prove their autonomy to themselves and mom and dad. Joseph is 13 months now and he has developed the ability to throw things, and although he loves balls, he will throw everything. I am guessing this is part of the discovery of force and power. He also has begun to test when he is told no. Another way of exploring his independence I guess.

And the last stage of the cycle is 18-24 months when the boundaries are fully tested. Mars will complete it's first full cycle and they will be aware that they have their own needs and desires. They may become quite demanding and this will be the time to make sure they know who ultimately is boss. Here is where rules need to be firmly structured, allowing for freedom and self-expression also.

Every child is different, but they all experience the same cycles. I'm hoping for the best as I learn and observe Joseph. I will go into the final stage more once we are there and I can hopefully offer some wisdom or knowledge from the insight of the Mars cycle. 


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